Free Streaming Balgar: The Movie in Best Quality
Now you can watch full Balgar: The Movie in high definition format with duration 73 Min and was released on 2014-11-28 and MPAA rating is 4.- Original Title : Balgar: The Movie
- Movie title in your country : Balgar: The Movie
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Animation, Comedy,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-11-28
- Companies of movie : Anturage Ltd.,
- Countries of movie : Bulgaria,
- Language of movie : български език,
- Durationof movie : 73 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.6
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : BG,EN,
- Cast of movie :Nedelcho Bogdanov (Balgar), Ivaylo Ivanov (Unufri), Danail Kraev (Asparuh), Ivan Milushev (Pe6o), Galin Dyakov (Bilko Bibitkov), Nikolay Dimov (The Fat Criminal)
Movie plot of Balgar: The Movie :
Play full Balgar: The Movie in HD Video with movie plot "Balgar is a brand known among the 10-18 age group, almost 100%. Balgar is a peculiar subculture phenomenon that in less than five years managed to become a favorite of tens and even hundreds of thousands of teenagers. And now come down from the computer to conquer the big screen. The first Bulgarian full-length animated film from more than 40 years. The first Bulgarian independent animated film. The first Bulgarian 3D Stereoscopic Movie." in best quality. Free Streaming Balgar: The Movie in High Quality by clicking the download link.
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... Watch Full Balgar: The Movie in High Definition Format 1080p ...
Art Direction : Nedelcho Bogdanov, Production Design : Nedelcho Bogdanov, Creator : Nedelcho Bogdanov, Creature Design : Nedelcho Bogdanov, Creative Producer : Nedelcho Bogdanov, Special Effects : Nikolay Vanev, Producer : Bogdan Bogdanov, Storyboard : Nedelcho Bogdanov, Sound Director : Simeon Voev, Animation Supervisor : Nedelcho Bogdanov, Animation : Nedelcho Bogdanov, Animation : Verginiya Ivanova, Animation : Poly Varbanova, Animation : Valeri Petkov, Animation : Margarita Nikolova
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Tags: balgar, super spiro, asparuh, unufri, nesebar, glarus, pe6o, horacio, boris, bilko bibitkov,
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